Venture Capital Association


15th Russian & 10th Kazan Venture Fair

April 23 – 24, 2015, Kazan, Korston Hotel

Program  Format  How to become a Participant  Exposition

Venture Fair in Kazan is the largest contact platform in Russia that unites innovative technological companies and professionals of private equity and venture capital market industry. It is important investment event in Russia recognized both with Russian and foreign business community.

Fair`s aim is to promote the development of venture investment in Russia, attracting the attention of a wide range of investors to Russian innovative companies, to attract investments in technology business.

A key subject of the fair will be the theme "Innovative Russia – the role of venture capital industry". Also will be covered the following topics:

  • Rethinking of the technological and scientific development priorities.
  • The development of economy`s sectors through venture capital.
  • The impact of external factors on the existing innovation system and the system of science in Russia.
  • Internet in Russia: the reiteration of the world`s way or unique development.
  • The increase of productivity - the key to competitiveness in world markets.
  • Recycling or promising areas of waste processing.
  • Development of pharmacology as a driver of regional development.

Separately for representatives of innovative entrepreneurship participating in venture fair will be given the opportunity to speak to investors from Russia, Europe, Asia and the USA.

Detailed information can be obtained by phone: 8 (843) 570-39-27


Russian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (RVCA)    Investment-venture fund of Tatarstan Republic    Innovation Management Center


General partner

JSC «Russian Venture Company»



Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects   Association of Innovative Regions of Russia   Foundation for assistance to small innovative enterprises (FASIE)   RUSNANO

Skolkovo Foundation   The National Association of Business Angels (NABA)   Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs   St.Petersburg Regional Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development (RFSTD)


Information partners





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