Venture Capital Association


EVCA Academy Calendar Autumn 2014

Foundation Course for Support Staff

Barcelona, Spain
22 – 24 October 2014

An "eagle eye view" of the private equity industry including all key milestones in an investment process as well as investors relations.

Finance & Administration Course

Brussels, Belgium
29 – 31 October 2014

A foundation course for middle and back office personnel covering all major issues from fund structuring, valuation and reporting through best industry standards and new regulations.

Foundation Course for Venture Capital Investment Professionals

Brussels, Belgium
12 –14 November 2014

Investment professionals are taken through the full fund cycle by industry experts.

Integrating Responsible Investment Course

London, United Kingdom
27 – 28 November 2014

Industry experts share their experience on integrating responsible investment into their daily investment operations.

Building & Managing Boards Master Class

Brussels, Belgium
4 – 5 December 2014

A discussion of the legal, relational and practical issues that investment professionals face when they sit on a board of directors.


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